Recognizing the challenges faced by Non-Resident Indians in accessing timely and affordable medical care in North America & Europe, we now offer specialized support to help you secure appointments with top-rated doctors in India. Whether you require medical consultation or treatment planning or need assistance during a medical emergency while visiting India, our team is equipped to ensure you receive the best possible care.
We facilitate online and in-person consultations with leading doctors across various specializations in India. Whether you need a second opinion or a detailed discussion about a medical condition, we can arrange these meetings according to your schedule and preferences.
We offer comprehensive support in treatment planning for NRIs who choose to undergo medical treatment in India. This includes providing information on hospital options, cost estimates, duration of treatment, and post-treatment care.
We handle all aspects of scheduling appointments with top-rated healthcare professionals and institutions in India. We ensure that your appointments are aligned with your visits to India, making your trip as efficient as possible.
In case of a medical emergency during your stay in India, our team is prepared to provide immediate support. This includes quick facilitation of emergency care, hospital admissions, and communication with family members.
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